Monday, November 22, 2010

Most Frequently Diagnosed Anxiety Disorders

One of several versions of the painting "...Image via WikipediaThe phrase "anxiety disorder" is actually a generic term chosen to describe many differing varieties of abnormal anxiety and fear that were established by the modern practice of psychiatry towards the end of the 1800s.

Today, disorder and depression statistics suggest that possibly 18% of American are affected from one anxiety disorder or another, to one degree or another.

What follows are the most regularly diagnosed varieties of anxiety disorders:

 * Generalized Anxiety Disorder (often known as GAD) - It's, usually, long-lasting anxiety that's not preoccupied with any one single thing and it's the most prevalent disorder to have an impact on older adults.
 * Anxiety attacks - Marked by attacks of extremely intense fear and apprehension usually lasting ten minutes or less but could sometimes stretch for a couple of hours.
 * Agoraphobia - A highly unique fear of being trapped in a place or situation with no ways to escape. Linked closely with anxiety disorder.
 * Social Anxiety Disorder- - A anxiety about being seen in a damaging way, or humiliated in public places. This disorder may be specific to particular situations such presenting and public speaking but is a lot more often about all social interactions.
 * Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - Often known as OCD, this disorder is identified by obsessive repetition and compulsion to carry out certain, specific acts in the opinion that to do so will affect a good result.
 * Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD happens as a result of traumatic experience like combat, serious accidents, or disasters including earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes.
 * Separation Anxiety - This is an failing to handle being separated from either a person or a location. An average development in youngsters, it becomes a problem if the feelings become excessive or inappropriate.

Obviously, the stresses and complications every day life give a wide range of challenges and the most crucial part of managing the day to day issues every one of us face is to have some thought of how you are reacting with the pressures around you and have some type of stress reducer that can help cope.

Once you know your specific reactions to pressure, it is possible to be able to start to efficiently moderate your responses and live a better, calmer life.

Learn more about how to deal with stress, anxiety, and live a happier, more fulfilling life at Control Stress.

Two more articles about dealing effectively with the challenges of stress can be read here and here

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